I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 27 July 2018
L.I: Is to visualise and question scenes in a book. This week for reading we were learning about visualising and questions about scenes. First I had to make a copy of a google doc. Then I had to pick a scene then read about it then add information about what the answer then draw about what it looked like in your head. I had to do 3 scenes about 3 books because it will be easy and I want a challenge to step up my learning
Multiplying Fractions
LI-Find fractions of whole number amounts using multiplication and division. This week for maths I was learning how to divide fractions. To divide a fraction I had to make my own fraction. Then I had to multiply the fraction by any number. Then the answer I would get will be a improper fraction, an improper fraction is a fraction were the denominator is bigger than the numerator. After that I changed the improper fraction into into a mixed number by dividing the the fraction and the times table. That would give me an answer
Thursday, 26 July 2018
LI: to write a quick narrative for the Manaiakalani Film Festival. This week for writing we had to make a narrative. First we had to make a copy of google doc then we had to put our ideas into the google doc. We all had a group we had have 2-3 people in each group my group was Oscar and Lukah. After that we had to add dialog,information and others. Then after that we had to write a narrative, a narrative is a story.
L.I: Is to learn how to swim. This week for kiwi sport we had to learn how to swim. First we would get to ask questions like who has done swimming lessen I stood because I have done swimming lessens well before anyways. Then I had been sent to a teacher named Kamren I was the only one there in that stage. The first thing I learnt was how to enter a pool, so I had to sit on the wall and put 2 of my arms on one side then I would have to twist my body around then hop into the pool and keep my hands on the wall so I can feel if I can't touch the bottom or not. Next we learnt how to do stream line. Stream line is when you have both of your arms together and behind your ears and kick with your feet. After that we learnt how to do a skele. Skele is when you swim with your arms but not your legs so your hands will twist and moving well your on your stomach but not using your legs.
Kiwi sport,
L.I: Is to define media. This week me and my group learnt about media. My group was Lukah and Oscar. Media is websites and apps were you can communicate and give information to your friends, for an example you share information about the weather to your friends by using texting sites to communicate. If you can add friends on the site you are using do not friend people you don't know only your friends and family. I learnt this by learning from my mistakes and watching a video to know what a really means.
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
Duffy theatre
L.I: Is learn how to not bully. This week PBS went to watch a show. The show was about what bullying is and how to stop it. Bullying is when you do something mean over and over again to the same person. To stop bullying is to tell a teacher or even tell your parents. I learnt this by watching an act that had 3 actors Melanie,Ashley,Duffy. The act was about a girl named Ashley she was the bully and Melanie was the one getting bulled Duffy was the one that solved the problem with a book that had a good ending about the ghost saying sorry because she was bullying to Skeleton.
Kiwi Can
L.I: Is to set our goals. This week LS1 group B went to kiwi can. We learnt about setting our goals, for an example you want to buy a Lamborghini that could be your goal. We also learnt about resilience, resilience means when your bouncing back and your trying again. Then we played a game named order up. The rules of the game is simple you would have to go in a diagonal line across a room the maker of the game could say make a line going January-December then you would have to make that order.
goal settings,
Kiwi Can,
Friday, 6 July 2018
The Quiz
Thursday, 5 July 2018
L.I: Is to give feed back on other peoples blog. This week I did a commenting session. This weeks commenting session I commented on Xavier blog post. I learned by doing a comment on Leon's blog post.
ASB get wise
L.I: Is to learn how to save your money. This week LS1 learnt about how to save our money by using ASB. To save our money you should always put your money in the bank so you could get interest. interest means a special right of borrowing money then you get interest, and we learnt about C.A.S.H goals.
C - clear
A - action
S - save
H - how long
We learnt about clear. clear is when you should always check your shopping things because when you order it online they might give you the wrong thing or even the wrong size, so before you buy you would want tto check the price,check the size,check the colour and check the brand. We also learnt about action. Action is when you wanna earn money. The way you could earn money is asking your neighbours for any chores but first you would want to keep in touch of your parents so they could know how much they are paying you or what chores you are doing for an example dishes,vacuuming and cleaning the room. We also learnt about save. Save is when you want to save your money, so if you have a job and you get 15 dollars per week and you want to save 10$ and spend 5$ then each year you would get 240 and you want to get a car but it is 300$ but you have to wait so you would want to save 15$ and save 0$. why because you could raise your money by doing action. Also you would want to know how long it takes. Well we have been learning about the 2 W's were and when. you would want to know when you started and were you started like in the bank or when you started like in the bank it is good to do that because so you can get interest
C - clear
A - action
S - save
H - how long
We learnt about clear. clear is when you should always check your shopping things because when you order it online they might give you the wrong thing or even the wrong size, so before you buy you would want tto check the price,check the size,check the colour and check the brand. We also learnt about action. Action is when you wanna earn money. The way you could earn money is asking your neighbours for any chores but first you would want to keep in touch of your parents so they could know how much they are paying you or what chores you are doing for an example dishes,vacuuming and cleaning the room. We also learnt about save. Save is when you want to save your money, so if you have a job and you get 15 dollars per week and you want to save 10$ and spend 5$ then each year you would get 240 and you want to get a car but it is 300$ but you have to wait so you would want to save 15$ and save 0$. why because you could raise your money by doing action. Also you would want to know how long it takes. Well we have been learning about the 2 W's were and when. you would want to know when you started and were you started like in the bank or when you started like in the bank it is good to do that because so you can get interest
Dialogue and monologue
L.I: Is to write a narrative with dialogue. This week for writing I had to make a dialogue. Dialogue is when 2 people are talking into a book that has no words in it. The book I had to make a dialogue on was The silent red book. First I had to take pictures on the silent red book. Then I had to write thinking messages about what they might be thinking about.
Dialogue and monologue,
L.I: Is to infer information from a text. This week for reading I had to infer information in a text. Inferring Is when the answer is not in the text but you can use the clues in the text that the author put in, this is called author and me. The text I had to infer information from is Not so Normal. This book is about a alien named normal and dad found him in the forest I knew he was an alien because in the story it says that he had never seen a meadow before but in the back round of the start of the story he was on a hill and it was meadows down the hill.
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
L.I: Is to learn about Matariki. This week For inquiry we had to learn about matariki. First I had to get into a group with other people in LS2. Then we had to collaborate together to find information about the topic we are doing, also we had to try and find facts about the topic that we were watching in 3 minuets. Once we had done that we had to make a DLO about matariki and write down the facts about matariki that we had wrote down on the piece of paper. Then we wrote a little bit more information that was what is matariki.
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
M&M fractions
L.I: Is to learn how to do decimals and presentages. This week for math I had to learn about fractions. Fractions are equal pieces of a hole. Then we had to learn about the lowest equivalent fractions. equivalent fractions are when you have to find the same fraction but in a small denominator and numerator. To make this first I had to make a copy of a google doc. Then I had to get into partners then after that we had to fill it in with our knowledge.
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