
Friday 27 October 2017

Raz Kids

L.I:Is to talk about my book.This week I read a book named Carlos joins the team.this book was all about when he joined a baseball team.but there was a problem he had a friend that had a brithday and it was on the same day as his birthday party.but he choose to go to his baseball team but then his friend came and gave him some cake for trying his best in base ball.

Tables Conga

L.I Is to talk about tables conga.This game was all about maths and also your time table


L.I To use a range of comprehension strategies to go deeper into a text.This week we did a reading session.This reading session was all about Leadership.we had to read a text about leadership that evolves with rugby league.we had to fill out a slide that has ideas su mmarising and evaluating.we had to find some of the ideas in the text and also in you own knowledge.


Keyboarding Drills Level 3

Copy each row of letters on the row below. Use the correct fingers.

zxcvb /.,mn /.,mnbvcxz zxcvb /.,mn /.,mnbvcxz
zxcvb /.,mn /.,mnbvcxz zxcvb /.,mn /.,mnbvcxz
z;xlckvjbh /a.s,dmfng z;xlckvjbh /a.s,dmfng
z;xlckvjbh /a.s,dmfng z;xlckvjbh /a.s,dmfng
Z? X> C< VM BN NZ MX <C >V ?B
Z? X> C< VM BN NZ MX <C >V ?B
Z? X> C< VM BN NZ MX <C >V ?B
Z? X> C< VM BN NZ MX <C >V ?B
man van can cab ban nab men no box cob mob mom come
bun bane vane mane maze mix mine zone cave vine no one
man van can cab ban nab men no box cob mob mom come
bun bane vane mane maze mix mine zone cave vine no one
Been Mean Cane Main Nice Vein Vain Zone Bunny Baby Money Yummy Nunn Bobby
Been Mean Cane Main Nice Vein Vain Zone Bunny Baby Money Yummy Nunn Bobby
“Bright vixens jump; dozy fowl quack”
“Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow”
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
“Bright vixens jump; dozy fowl quack”
“Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow”
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


Dancing through the decades

Panmure Bridge performed a dance last night Wednesday and Thursday 6am. We had Lyndon live that talks to the audience who's up next. Also there would be adds coming up that would tell you thtas your add and your up. We have this in the hall with some of the wholePanmure Bridge School.We had claping dancing and how every ones paerents was proud of there kids.

First we room1 for there performance and then we had the next class it was room2 and they did great then after then they had kapa haka tonga. Then we had the junior kapa haka it was long but it just finished then we had room 5 the had the sweet jam Mickle Jackson.Then we had LS1 and Lydon live said,"You can't wait for the Whip and Nae Nae." Then after them we the the pasifca doing there performance. Then we had the junior pasifca doing there performance every one keeped running as fast as they can back in the hall. Then it was the end of the night.

The night was great and it ended by one of our hed students telling us how grateful they have come here and enjoyed are show. So are teacher came and said another thanks to every on and the kids and the parents. Then once are teacher was speaking the kids and parents left from the stage and went back home.

L.I: is to use tree in our recounts. This week we did a writing session.this writing session was all about writing a recount that evolves with tree (title,ravel,events and ending) we had to write about we had done with our dance also we had to talk about the parts in ravel.The orange highlighted things those are the words that i fixed.

Friday 20 October 2017


L.I is to comment on other peoples blog.This week i commented on katlyns blog she had a good post but she had some mistakes in her post.


L.I is teach people how to sub and add fractions.This week I did a maths session.this maths session was all about fractions. We had to tech people how to add fraction by using the numerator and the denominator. Also we had to set an examples. 

planing recount

Recount planner (TREE)


  • [Who]
  • [What]
  • [Where]
  • [When]
Panmure Bridge performed a dance last night wensday and thursday 6am.we had kapa haka and junior kapa haka perfoming there dance and every one als in panmure bridge school.we had Lyndon live that talks to the aoudicnce whos up next. allso there would be adds coming up that would tell you thtas your add and your up.we had this in the hall (satge) with some of the whole panmure bridge school.we had claping dancing and how every ones paerents was proud of there kids.
  • First we had the juniors going up first because it wasz there age
  • Next we had the kapa haka perfromence and the juniors and also the pasifeca groups doing there tonga dancing.
  • Then we had the older kids perfomence.
  • Last we had the aoudince enjoying it and looking at there kids and saying "i'm proud of you."
The night was great and it ended by one of our hed students telling us how gratfull they have come here and enjoyed are show. so are teacher came and said another thanks to every on and the kids and the pareants

Dancing through the decades

Panmure Bridge performed a dance last night wensday and thursday 6am. We had Lyndon live that talks to the aoudicnce whos up next. Allso there would be adds coming up that would tell you thtas your add and your up. We have this in the hall with some of the wholePanmure Bridge School.We had claping dancing and how every ones paerents was proud of there kids.

First we room1 for there performence and then we had the next class it was room2 and they did great then after then they had kapa haka tonga. Then we had the junior kapa haka it was long but it just finished then we had room 5 the had the sweet jam Mickle Jackson.Then we had LS1 and Lydon live said, "You can't wait for the Whip and Nae Nae." Then after them we the the pasifca doing there performence.Then we had the junior pasifca doing there performence then it was the end of the night.

The night was great and it ended by one of our hed students telling us how gratfull they have come here and enjoyed are show. So are teacher came and said another thanks to every on and the kids and the pareants.Then once are teacher was speaking the kids and the pearants left from the stage and when back home.

L.I is to make a recount.This week we did a writing session.This writing session was all about recounts.we had to plan out are recount of who,what,when,were.Then we would have to plan an events.Then next we would be writing our ending.then once we had done all that then we would have to make it into a recount.The orange things are when i fixed it.

Local community roles

L.I is to talk about who you see often.This week I did an inquiry session.This inquiry session was all about your connection was with other people.Also if you see the people often or every day.We had to do make a goggle slide and make a nest and the closes circal is the inner

Thursday 19 October 2017

Well being

L.I To use a range of comprehension.This week I did a reading session.This reading session was all about well being.It wasn't all about well being we had to chose between leadership well being and Resilience and i chose well being.we had to get in to pairs my pair was Aungnaing.We had to read a text and write down information that evolves with wellbeing.then we had to get tested and see if you know what were doing.

Sunday 15 October 2017


L.I is to comment on other peoples blog.This week I commented on Aungnaing's post he had interesting one but a short one at the same time.I liked his post because it had a little short post but had a lot of information.