I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 29 March 2018
L.I: Is to give feed back to other peoples blog.This week I did a commenting session. This weeks commenting session I commented on Mojtaba's blog post his blog post was really good.
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
LI: to self monitor our understanding of a text.This week I did a reading session. This weeks reading session was all about self-monitoring. First we had to make a copy of a DLO then we had to read a text and find words you don't know and use some reading session once you have done that you would have to get the meaning.
Kiwi Can
L.I: To learn how to conflict resolution.
This week LS1 group B went to kiwi can. This week for kiwi can we learnt how to conflict and resolution. First we played a game named 21. This game is about strategy, How this game works is when you get into circle and you have to pass the ball around and you can revers the ball to go the other way then when the ball is held by someone and the count was from 21 there out. Next we played another game named guess that emotion this, this game is when there is 2,3 or 4 even lines and the first person in the line has stand up and not look behind them and the people sitting down has to act that emotion and the person standing up has to guess that emotion. Last we played a GKQ one by one each team has to stand up and answer some random questions but they would be getting a buzzer but our buzzer was "Hello."
This week LS1 group B went to kiwi can. This week for kiwi can we learnt how to conflict and resolution. First we played a game named 21. This game is about strategy, How this game works is when you get into circle and you have to pass the ball around and you can revers the ball to go the other way then when the ball is held by someone and the count was from 21 there out. Next we played another game named guess that emotion this, this game is when there is 2,3 or 4 even lines and the first person in the line has stand up and not look behind them and the people sitting down has to act that emotion and the person standing up has to guess that emotion. Last we played a GKQ one by one each team has to stand up and answer some random questions but they would be getting a buzzer but our buzzer was "Hello."
How to sort out your drive
L.I: Is to sort out our drive. This week I did a cybersmart session. This weeks cybersmart session we had to fix up our drive. Sorting out our drives is when you haven't put your DLO's in the any folders and if you haven't done that well you would be wanting to drag the DLO's in the folder that means the same meaning thing as your DLO. Once you have done that your drive would be nice and clean for you so you don't need to be having a hard time finding them.
Google Drive
Friday, 23 March 2018
Kiwi Sport
L.I to learn how to hit from a pitch.
Today for kiwi sport we had Ash again. We played scatter ball but Ash threw the balls to us and we had to bat it. If we kept missing the ball Ash will let us bat from the T. We split up into fielders and batters. I was a batter, I remembered the skills that you need to do while batting. So your feet has to be shoulder width apart, and your small knuckles has to be aligned, the bat on your shoulder, and also elbows up. Then when everyone had a turn batting we swap. When we bat and we run around the bases if you don't make it you stay at the base you are on then you wait for the other person to come so you can run and if you still don't make it your out.
Today for kiwi sport we had Ash again. We played scatter ball but Ash threw the balls to us and we had to bat it. If we kept missing the ball Ash will let us bat from the T. We split up into fielders and batters. I was a batter, I remembered the skills that you need to do while batting. So your feet has to be shoulder width apart, and your small knuckles has to be aligned, the bat on your shoulder, and also elbows up. Then when everyone had a turn batting we swap. When we bat and we run around the bases if you don't make it you stay at the base you are on then you wait for the other person to come so you can run and if you still don't make it your out.
Kiwi sport,
Device Skills
LI: To learn and use core digital device skills. This week I did a cyberesmart session. This weeks cybersmart session we had to learn skills about computers. then we had to do what happens when you do that skill then show how to do it. I learned how to it by given an example and watching a video and planing what the skills were.
Thursday, 22 March 2018
L.I: Is to work together for cricket. This week the year 5,6,7 and 8's went to cricket, and I was in the year 6 team. But first we had to challenge a school first we challenged Point England red and then we won. after that we challenged Tamaki primary then we won. then we played against panama road it was a good game but it was a draw. Then we played against Point England black but it was a good game but we lost. then we played against stone fields it was a good game but we lost, so the score was 2 wins 2 lost's and 1 draw.
LI- to show an increasing knowledge of how a range of text conventions can be used appropriately. This week I did a writing session. This weeks writing session was all about homophones, homophones are when they have the same sound but a different meaning to the word. First we had to make a copy of a DLO after that there would be underlined red words and there would be another word next to it then you would have to chose the wrong word and put it in the incorrect words. Then we had to write the definition of the word then leave the correct word.
Team motto
L.I: Is to make a motto for our team. This week we did an inquiry session. This weeks inquiry's session was all about making a motto for our team we worked together so we could make a motto but first we had to find other category's motto after that we made our own motto and our motto is, there is no I in a team.
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Place Values
L.I: Is to learn how to do ten for one and one for ten. This week I did a maths session. This weeks maths session I learnt how to do one for ten and ten for one. one for ten is when you have 1 dollar and you get 10 dollars you have ten times greater then amount you have right now.
place value
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Kiwi sport
L.I: Is to learn how to run bases. This week LS1 went to kiwi sport. This week for kiwi sport we learned how to fun bases and bat. First we got into 2 even groups. one group is bating and the next group is fielding. Then once that team has done that then we had to swap teams, but when the bating team has bated the bating team has to drop the bat and run to base 1,2,3 or home but when the team is close to the base that your going to you should stay on the base that you are on now. But if there is someone behind you on another base well you have to got to another base, and the fielders catch the ball on a full well the person that is bating is out.
Kiwi sport,
Compound and simple sentence
L.I: To show an increasing knowledge of how a range of text conventions can be used appropriately. This week I did a reading session. This weeks reading session was all about simple and compound sentence. First we had to make a copy of a slide then. Next we had to put the words in the correct order. Then we had to color code the subject and verb for simple sentence and a subject,verb and conjuncstion for compound.
L.I: Is to learn how to round numbers.This week I went on Prodigy. Prodigy is a game that evolves with maths, so there would be some equation to work. But first you would have to pick a move and then answer an equation and if you get it wrong you would attack.
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
Team Logo
Kiwi Can
L.I: Is to learn what leadership is. This week LS1 group B went to kiwi can. When LS1 arrived to kiwi can we lined up into 4 even lines after we had to find a partner so we could play rock paper scissors. The aim of the game is to win once you have won the person that you beat has to go behind you and chair you on and if you challenge some with a lot of people at the back of them and you beat them well every one in that line has to come in your line. Next we played another game named charades, but first we had to get back into our 4 lines and the leader of the game has to number us of 1 to 3 and then we had to chose 1 person in each group to go up and act out what they were acting out. Last we played a game named GKQ first we had to get into 4 even lines and the person that is the leader of the game has to try and give each team 2 questions to answer but each team had to have a buzzer like a funny one silly one all sorts of buzzers. It was the end of the day and LS1 packed up to leave kiwi can.
Kiwi Can,
Maths Strategy
L.I:Is to learn the right way of subtraction. This week I did a maths session.This weeks maths session I did maths strategy and solving subtraction problems but properly we had to learn how to solve 1123 - 846 and 783 - 395 this was very hard I manged to figure it out. I learned by using a google slide and putting all my knowledge that I know in each slides.
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
L.I: Is to learn what prediction is. This week I did a reading session.This weeks reading session we learned the parts of prediction. First we looked at a book named picking up puha. Then we had to make a copy of a google doc and fill in the plank boxes and high light what you think the story is.
Friday, 9 March 2018
L.I; Is to give feed back on other peoples blog post. This week I blogged on Mojtaba's This vs that blog post. He had a great blog post but some of his sentence's didn't make sense.
Kiwi Can
L.I: Is to learn how to be a great leader and what a leader does. This week LS1 group B went to kiwi can. This week for kiwi can we learnt about how leadership can work. First we played a warm up game named up down hammer. LS1 had to get into partners and put one fist on top of the other fist and the other two fist on top of each other fist. Then when the leader of the game says up the fist that is at the bottom has to go up and when the leader says down the fist that is at the top has to go down and when the leader says hammer the persons fist that is at the top the have to try and touch the persons fist that is in the 2nd to the top and the person that is at the 2nd to top they had to quickly move there. Next we played another game named copy me. This game is when you get into 3 even groups and there and every one in you group is turning around so they can't see the person that is behind the and the person that is telling the person the action. So the person that is at the front has to tell the person in front of them what the action is.
Andy Warhal
LI:To learn about Pop Art .LI:To learn about Andy Warhol. We had to work in groups of 3 people for the whole week and we had to make a poster about Pop Art and Andy Warhol with the three people that we were going to work with.I worked with Matthew and Chris we made A poster about Andy Warhol.I learned it by researching about Andy Warhol and pop art to make a poster about Andy Warhol and Pop Art.
Andy Warhole,
Prior Knowledge
LI: to activate prior knowledge about a topic before reading. This week I did a reading session. This weeks reading session is all about activating prior knowledge we had to make A DLO about what is prior knowledge. I learned by finding information and using it in my own words.
prior knowledge,
Number bonds
L.I: Is to learn how to round numbers up. This week I did a maths session. This maths session was all about rounding up numbers. rounding up numbers is when you take short ways of knowing how to solve problems. I learned by being showing and example.
rounding number
Pop Art
pop art
Thursday, 8 March 2018
Kiwi sport
L.I: Is to learn the skills of pitching. This week LS1 group B went to softball. This week for softball we learned how to pitch and the skills. But first we played a game named run the bases. The aim of game is to win so first we had to get into 2 teams 1 team named home base and the other team named the 2nd base. so there would be 4 bases one person at a time and touch the bases with there feet and back to there team and the your teams base before the other person go's. Next we had to get into partners so we could learn how to pitch and the skills. first we had to throw the ball on our sides but only our wrist's are moving. Next we had to turn our hands backwards and when your hands get to the side of you leg you flick it with your wrist. next we learned a full pitch so first you put you hand up with the ball inside and make a k with your legs and hands and turn you hand and flick it when it gets to your leg.
Kiwi sport,
Friday, 2 March 2018
keyboarding Drills
Keyboarding Drills Level 3
Copy each row of letters on the row below. Use the correct fingers.
zxcvb /.,mn /.,mnbvcxz zxcvb /.,mn /.,mnbvcxz
zxcvb /.,mn /.,mnbvcxz zxcvb /.,mn /.,mnbvcxz
z;xlckvjbh /a.s,dmfng z;xlckvjbh /a.s,dmfng
z;xlckvjbh /a.s,dmfng z;xlckvjbh /a.s,dmfng
Z? X> C< VM BN NZ MX <C >V ?B
Z? X> C< VM BN NZ MX <C >V ?B
Z? X> C< VM BN NZ MX <C >V ?B
Z? X> C< VM BN NZ MX <C >V ?B
man van can cab ban nab men no box cob mob mom come
bun bane vane mane maze mix mine zone cave vine no one
man van can cab ban nab men no box cob mob mom come
bun bane vane mane maze mix mine zone cave vine no one
Been Mean Cane Main Nice Vein Vain Zone Bunny Baby Money Yummy Nunn Bobby
Been Mean Cane Main Nice Vein Vain Zone Bunny Baby Money Yummy Nunn Bobby
“Bright vixens jump; dozy fowl quack”
“Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow”
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
“Bright vixens jump; dozy fowl quack”
“Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow”
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Kiwi Sport
L.I: is to learn how to bat and the skills of it. This week LS1 went to kiwi sport to learn how to bat properly. First LS1 learnt how to hold a bat, first we had to keep out hands together and a line our finger knuckles. Next we played a game so there would be a bating team and a fielding team so the bating team had to bat the ball and the fielders had chase the ball and put the balls on the cones but the bating team had to get 2 balls and hit it and the fielders had to freeze until the 2 balls were hit and the bater's had to run around the cones and touch the bases next to the cones
Kiwi sport,
Floods in Pakistan
L.I: Is to know the knowledge of tree. This week I did a reading session. This weeks reading session was learning the parts of tree and how the are written. First we had to get into partners then copy and paste a DLO with random texts in random places me and my partner had to work as a team and put the texts in the right older.
Maths Strategies
Thursday, 1 March 2018
QAR Questioning
LI: To monitor understanding of a text by using Question Answer Relationship (QAR). This week I did a reading session. This reading session was all about using the 4 types of questions. First I had to read a book and find 2 for each question type in a book I read named Nuiean sports day.
Right there: The answer is in the text.
Think and search: The answer is in the book but you may have to look into different places in the book.
Author and you: The answer isn't the text but you have to use your background knowledge and what the author has told you to come up with the answer.
on my own: the answer is not in the text. but us your own opinion to know the answer.
This vs that
L.I: Is to know our PBS and Olympic information. This week we did a inquiry session. First we had to copy and paste a PBS and Olympic DLO and get into partners. Then we had to find or research our PBS and Olympics motto,whakatauki,flag and Values. Then we had to find the answer for. Mostly we had to find our PBS motto,whakatauki,flag and Values and research the Olympics motto,whakatauki,flag and Values. Our PBS motto is: Strive and achieve Olympics motto is: Citius/ fastest altius/ strongest fortius/ highest. Also our PBS whakatauki is: English:Care for the people, care for the land. go forward Maori:Manaaki Whenua,Manaaki Tangata,Haere Whakamua, And the Olympic creed is: "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, And last our PBS values are: C: Confidents A: Attitude R: Respect E: Excellence and innovation and the Olympics values are: Friendship, Respect and Excellence.
This vs That
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