
Monday 18 December 2017

Maui and the giant fish

Fact: Maui's brothers were making excuses about how Maui couldn't come like "You would take up all the room in the waka and the fish won't fit" said Maui's brother.
Fact 2: As Maui was asking his brothers if he could have some bait the brothers just laughed then Maui clenched his hand and hit himself in the nose and bled for his blood to be his bait.

Facts 3: As Maui said look after my fish and i will come back with our people the brothers agreed. As soon as Maui came the brothers were copping the the giant fish greedily.

This  week for summer learning journey we had to make a blog post about Maui and the giant fish but we had to find facts about the story. To find for click the link to find more facts.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Matthew!

    Welcome to the Summer Learning Journey! it's great to have you blogging with us these holidays and we hope you enjoy learning more about New Zealand's history along the way!

    Well done on completing the first activity - these are some great facts about Maui!

    I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    Nicky :)


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